Galya Westler - Public Speaker at Ted Talks IN SPAIN

This is Galya her story. These are Galya her vibes. Gayla was born in Canada and raised in Israel. She contacted me on Facebook because she was traveling to Valencia for some business meetings and wanted to have unique, but professional photos for her conferences. We arranged a Skype call and we almost talked for one hour. It felt like we already knew each other from a previous life.
It took some time before we could start with the personal branding photoshoot, because the hairdresser & make-up artist was not in a hurry. Spanish way. ;-) But when we finally could start we rocked it together. Because we already had this connection we both could give our honest input for the photoshoot and I feel that our vibes together worked magically.
Galya is a real business woman and I admire her for all her knowlegde. During the photoshoot we connected even more and we became friends. We went for coffee, lunch, made dinner together & talked about business, being a female entrepreneur, dating, traveling, dreams, goals and so on. Galya works in technology more specific Blockchain Technology. She told me it's a mens world. But she rocks it. She owns her female power, she is confident, strong, and business minded. She knows what she wants and goes for it.
No wonder she got asked to do a Ted Talk about technology. I watched every single minute of this talk with glinstering eyes. She really knows how to talk on stage. She owns the stage and brings her message in such an unique and bold way, that she has your attention from the first minute till the last one. The core message she brings to the public is that social media is here to connect people. But to connect people in real life. Take your connection online into the offline world. And as you can see magical things happen!
Gracias Galya for your vibes, friendship & wise words.

“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” Quote by Oprah Winfrey